Hello there, and welcome back! So, I had discussed in some detail fifteen tell-tale signs that the man in your life is wasting your time over here; and because I'm always all about equality, here is the polar opposite of that article; to let the men know when they should leave, because ain't nobody wants to have their time (and money, love, food, emotions, bed-space etc) wasted ;)
So, is she worth it? Read below the fifteen signs that the lady in your life is wasting your time, and be ye informed!
1-She Only Calls You When She Needs Something
And when you have nothing to offer, she disappears or suddenly gets too busy for you. This is obviously the same type of female who will add a prefix or suffix to your name like 'atm, dinner, rent, fees' etc in her contact list. That addition is the real purpose you're in her life so read the lines, and leave, unless you love being what she's made you.
2-She Cheats
This is a no-brainer really, because someone that values you and actively wants you in their life would not cheat on you and risk losing you, because she knows this would hurt you, but if you're just passing through her life, then why not?
3-You Are Never In Her Future Plans
Keep your ears open and watch out for this verbal cue because a woman that wants you in her life long-term will put you there subconsciously. She will talk about a road-trip she's planning for next week, or a wedding she's been invited to next month etc, and you will be in the picture, but if she never invites you to future events with her and never alludes to you being by her side in years to come, it might be because she does not even think you will be with her tomorrow, and is simply wasting your time.
Read the rest of this post over here:
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