
Wednesday, 18 April 2018


Horny Mammal lol
So I wonder, is cheating something that someone does out of some urge, or necessity, or is it ingrained in our genes; written down in our DNA in indellible ink?

I was curious about this so I did some research, and lo and behold! I found some different reasons people cheat, and more importantly, the types of cheating out there.
Because I am foxxy as hell, I will of course refer to the cheats as male through most of the article but this is not to say that females don't cheat as well, just go figure. If you are curious like me, here's a low-down on what I found; juicy stuff hehe...

Why Do People Cheat?
1-Because They Can
Sad as this may be, some guys cheat for the simple reason that an opportunity presented itself and there was nothing to stop them (as their ethics and morality are also on leave) so they just do it. Be it because they have gotten something in their life that suddenly makes them more desirable to the opposite sex like a car, money, etc, or they are now in a position to obtain random sex from whoever, this is the most pathetic reason to cheat out there I believe.

2-They Are Looking For Something They Are Not Getting In Their Relationships
Here is another strange reason that makes me wonder, because most of the times that people use this one, an in-depth analysis shows that they had not even worked towards getting their needs met but instead decided to take the shortcut.
Most of their partners are not even aware that there's something missing and just wake up to the rude shock of an affair.....

3-The Thrill Of Variety
Most men will not think twice when presented with an opportunity to cheat because they believe "YOLO" (you only live once) so as it is the same with wanting variety on your plate, with vegetables, meats, starches, etc, so will having different partners make them salivate haha.
As much as I get this one though, I believe that if you feel you cannot stay exclusive to one partner who requires your exclusivity, be a grown up and do not expect them to sit still in the house while you are out sampling; make it clear and set your partner free.

4-The Cowards' Way To End A Relationship
We all know that relationships turn sour and lose their flavor (check no. 3 above), but this does not warrant cheating because you want to provoke your partner to leave. It may fail, and she will stay and 'fight' for the relationship, and the resentment that you will have planted as a bonus is bound to make things even worse than they already are.

5-Anger, And Revenge
Basing this on assumptions, a man may feel like his partner has something on the side and because no man wants to be the laughing stock, he might run out to cheat so as to balance the tables, only problem though is that he may have imagined things and punish a totally undeserving and faithful spouse.
Women also do this, especially when the guy is a serial cheat and she decides to show him how the shoe feels on the other foot. I cannot say I advocate for this because it feels like the equivalent of muddying your clothes because you see your partner coming to sit next to you with muddy clothes, not to mention the levels you will have to lower your self-esteem to in order to cheat for the sake of cheating. Just be a lady and leave that to dirty men.

6-Genes (?)
Looking at some men, I have to wonder if cheating was passed down to them by their philandering fathers or terrible mothers because all the men from that lineage are cheats and will at some point in their lives juggle a few women at once.
This seems far-fetched, but is the other reasonable explanation aside from that they grew up with no morals being ingrained in them, or their father was openly a cheat, so the only example they had growing up was a bad one.

7-Dissatisfaction With The Quality And/Or Quantity Of Love, Sex, And Communication

When a partner feels  that they are getting a raw deal on any of the above, they will most often go out to find it elsewhere, with men being more on the physical and women on the emotional.
Most men start to or cheat when their wives fall pregnant and after they give birth; the worst possible time to do so because this is the time when they are most needed.
Things get worse when the woman is perceived to have 'let herself go' and lost her nubile body while mothering the unappreciative fool's children, with most expecting that she will bounce back the second your brat leaves her womb and this is not true for all women because they are all different.
With the emotional rollercoaster that is pregnancy, it is only sensible to understand your wife to act like a different person in this period and if you are not man enough to deal with her at her worst, you don't deserve her or any other woman for that matter at her best.

8-Low Self Esteem
This is a straightforward one; when a man feels that his wife is too pretty, too intelligent, too talented or too educated for him, he will feel small and we all know for men size matters a lot. He will therefore cheat and use the reasoning that she will leave him sooner rather than later, so best to get out ahead.

Types Of Cheats
Now that we have covered the reasons most quote by cheats, here's a rundown on the types of cheating bastards out there; both male and female, so have a read.....

1-The Hunter
As the name suggests, he is in it to win it, and that is about it. He is more after the chase than the final act and so getting this one to stop is nothing short of a miracle so he will constantly be scouting for potential 'prey' (read weak-minded females, those desperate and naive as well as the ones with esteem issues).
It is extremely easy for him to land someone because he is smooth and has been around that block
more times than you want to know so if this is the type of cheat you have in your life just tell him bye bye....

2-The Fetishist
This is the cheat that is married and living with a wife who mostly feels like a room mate than a lover as the sex is very sparse. He only married her because society expects him to be married by a certain age, or because he got the woman pregnant and had to do right by her probably due to pressure from family.
He may be a closet gay, or a cross-dresser, or a 'furry'-a person who dresses in animal costume to engage in sex with other people dressed likewise. Sex for him is more about the means rather than the end, and as most of the time his fetish is frowned upon by society, he chooses to keep his unfortunate spouse in the dark while pursuing his heart's desire with some other willing person.

3-The 'Nice Guy'
One of the harder ones to tame is this nice guy, who will always be a shoulder to lean on; especially true to females who are in bad relationships and marriages, or on the rebound. He provides all the affection she may be lacking in her unfulfilled relationship and then some so she gets into some kind of commitment with him which has sex as part of the deal because he has led her to believe she is truly special to him.
This is although he has a wife and probably even children, and so once he is done 'helping' the damsel in distress (or helping himself to her haha) he will disclose to her that he would not 'feel right' leaving his family for you so please understand this, but he still deeply cares for you.
This cheat does this to help himself sleep better at night (with his wife after cheating all day at work) and in his sick mind feels as if he is actually honestly nice, so he drags this deceit on and on and in the end screws everyone over while acting as though he is helping them.
Avoid this kind of cheat with all your might, as their game is on a psychological level and if you get dragged in the only thing that follows is endless pain and sadness.

4-The Professional
This cheat is a stickler for order and has organizational skills that would put the green of envy on most CEO's. Because of his immense wealth, well-rounded children, an pretty wife, no one thinks that he would ever cheat but this is exactly the reason he cheats; because he feels he has already surpassed his life's goals, and now is the time for him to be 'serviced', which is how he views sex- as a service.
He has a string of mistresses at all his frequented locations and keeps them well paid as he is sure this way they will retain their anonymity and as long as his wife does not know then she cannot be hurt. What he forgets is that by going through the motions in this manner, he starves his spouse of attention, affection, and all the other small things that build a relationship so she finds out sooner or later and gets totally hurt.

5-The Opportunist
This one is literally like a very hungry animal on the prowl for something to eat; with their hunger being of the psychological kind, the need to be wanted, and the food of their choice pretty much anything that will want them, or just act like they want them back.
He is the saddest kind of cheat because he is not looking for a whole lot, just that magical 'chemistry', and so he can find it in really anything with a pulse - the cleaners and secretaries at the office, gym-partners, the supervisors, the nanny, his friend's wives, etc etc, so throw this one out with the bath water until he can figure himself out, and then just stay away from him.

6-The 'Victim'
This cheat will trap you by playing the victim: his wife does not love him any more, neither does she respect him, his dog recently died, his last business attempt folded, his life is just a mess, but you can help him out of all this.
He makes you feel like you will be saving him from the cold, cruel world, because you are the angel of his life, and he will seem to respond to your affection, until you realize that he is the author of all his imaginary doom, and he only does this to get women who would otherwise steer clear because he has a wife.

So there goes my list, hope you loved it and were entertained as well as enlightened so subscribe for more of my articles, and stay foxxy!!
Also read here, and here!


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